Do Ouray Right

Ouray, Colorado, known as the "Switzerland of America,是户外运动爱好者和自然爱好者的绝佳去处. 它原始的美丽和独特的文化遗产使它成为世界各地游客必去的景点. However, with increasing tourism and human activity in the area, 重要的是要认识到以尊重和负责的态度对待我们的重要性.

作为游客,我们有责任为子孙后代保存和保护这美丽的景观. 采用可持续发展的做法,尽量减少对环境的影响, 我们可以确保Ouray在未来几年仍然是一个珍贵的目的地.

Do Ouray Right Principles

  • Main Street in Ouray, Colorado

    Be Patient & Kind


    Ouray是一个特别的地方,我们很高兴与欣赏我们自然美景的游客分享它, slower pace and friendly vibe. When you're visiting Ouray, we invite you to slow down, 呼吸山里清新的空气,脸上带着微笑. 毕竟,你正在参观地球上最美丽的地方之一! 如果服务比你习惯的要轻松一点,那么一点点友善和耐心就会大有帮助, traffic moves slowly in town or parking is tough to come by. 是的,我们知道这里的景色令人眼花缭乱,但请靠边停车拍下这张值得获奖的照片!

  • Airstream Camper in the mountains

    Choosing a Campsite

    Be a happy camper! 露营在耐用的,以前使用过的地点,只留下回忆.

    Ouray和周围的圣胡安山脉为各种类型的露营者提供了体验令人惊叹的风景的机会, 不可思议的夜空和无尽的探索机会. 特殊的露营选择范围从分散露营指定露营地, even full-service RV parks. 当气温变暖时,指定的露营点和提供全方位服务的房车停车场就会挤满人, so make your reservation online ahead of time. Dispersed camping is free primitive, first-come, 在美国林务局管理的公共土地上提供先得式露营. Tips on choosing the best dispersed campsite? Check regulations before you leave home, 而且只能在以前离水100英尺或更远的地方露营. 计划完全自力更生的服务和设施,如垃圾桶和垃圾清除, tables, fire pits and toilets are not provided. 露营者必须准备好只使用以前受露营影响的区域, 把他们带进来的东西都打包,也就是所有的垃圾、人类和狗的粪便.

    Photo by @terivibickis

  • Repelling down a waterfall

    Know Before You Go

    The climb is better when you know the ropes.

    Are you new to adventuring in the mountains? 在Ouray和周围的许多冒险都需要高水平的技术技能, proper equipment, physical fitness and knowledge of the area. Your best bet? 从我们众多高技能的导游服务中聘请一名导游!


    Plan ahead for maximum peace and minimum peeps.

    让我们面对现实吧,就像许多特殊的地方一样,Ouray正在被发现! 有了准备和计划,你仍然可以享受一次登山之旅. If you're seeking solitude, plan to visit during less busy times, such as during the week in peak summer season, and consider Ouray for a spring, fall or winter trip. If exploring the backcountry is on your to-do list, have a Plan B if you show up and the trailhead parking is full. 避免将车停在道路上或阻塞小路入口,因为这会妨碍救援工作.

  • Two hikers on the perimeter trail

    Pack it in, Pack it Out

    Pack out what you packed in, yep - even the poop.

    Ouray周围的山脉崎岖不平,我们需要你的帮助来保持这种状态. 记住,你可能找不到你习惯的服务,比如洗手间和垃圾桶. 准备好把你带进去的所有东西都打包,包括垃圾、人类粪便和狗屎. 在你的探险之旅开始之前,计划去参观一下游客中心,领取人类和狗的垃圾袋,以及正确的野外大便礼仪.

    Photo By: @Amygoco

  • Jeeps lined up at the top of Imogene Pass

    Respect the Trail

    Keep your wheels on the road and a smile on your face.

    ohv在Ouray非常受欢迎,因为它们可以让我们更快、更远地进入偏远地区,探索那些需要更多人力才能到达的地区. 有了这个特权,我们就有责任为其他有轮子和没有轮子的冒险者着想, wildlife, and the fragile high alpine ecosystem. Before heading out, 一定要向当地的旅游和租赁商店查询当前的步道状况,并始终遵循“留在步道”礼仪:

    Photo By: @Tyroadventures

  • Million Dollar Highway

    Slow Down & Enjoy


    Whether you're driving to Ouray from the east, west, north or south, you'll encounter mountain passes, summer construction projects, and frequent changes in weather and road conditions. 我们鼓励您提前计划,并了解30英里的山路可能需要的时间远远超过30分钟. 带上水、零食和足够的衣物,以便在那些令人难以置信的高山远景点停下来. Traveling in the mountains is a good time to take it slow, revel in the scenery and give other drivers, cyclists, pedestrians and wildlife plenty of space. Once you're in Ouray, 将您的车辆停在指定地点,步行探索,享受这个美丽而历史悠久的小镇. All the better to get the perfect, prize-winning photo!

  • Winter road

    Be Prepared for Winter

    Make sure you and your car are winter ready. Check the weather and load up on essentials.

    无论在哪个季节,驾车穿越科罗拉多州的高地都会给你带来独特的挑战. Check CoTrip.org在你收拾行李之前,遵循科罗拉多州交通部(CDOT)有用的山地驾驶技巧,安全到达Ouray. The views will still be here! 科罗拉多州的乘客牵引和链条法从9月到5月生效,所以确保你的轮胎有足够的胎面. 出门前要注意天气变化,检查路况. 确保你和你的车准备好了登山旅行的必需品, as recommended by CDOT:

    • Sturdy scraper/snow brush/snow shovel to clear snow

    • Flashlight with extra batteries or crank-powered flashlight

    • Blanket or sleeping bag

    • Gallon jug of water

    • First aid kit and essential medications

    • Tire chains and tow strap

    • Jumper cables

    • Flares/reflectors to signal for help and warn other motorists

    • 电池或曲柄驱动的收音机收听紧急广播,一旦你在Ouray, Slow down, 给其他司机和行人足够的空间,并注意停车. 尽量不要把车停在难以倒车的斜坡上. 如果你被困住了,不要担心,即使是最优秀的人也会遇到这种情况. 试着用自己的方式摆脱困境:在冬天随身携带自动袜子. 它们就像轮胎链条,但更便携,更容易管理.